This isn't really a long list. As a matter of fact, I'm only saying one last character, and it's not a completely different character. Super Sonic is a playable character in the game. You get to play as Super Sonic only once, and that's when you battle Dark Gaia. (How do I know all this? No I didn't beat the game yet... Actually, my brother beat it yesterday. I'm still in one of the last levels.) So same deal as always, collect rings while in your super form, otherwise, Sonic will transform back into "normal Sonic" and fall into the lava below you. (Your in the center of the Earth when you fight Dark Gaia. And no, you don't actually see Sonic fall and burn in the lava below you. He just falls and then you get to try again.) And to those of you who are fans of the song that SEGA chose for this game, "Endless Possibilities", listen to the music while you battle Dark Gaia. The music in the background is actually the instrumental version of "Endless Possibilities"! So I hope you enjoyed this not-so-big-but-not-so-little piece of info about Sonic Unleashed.