More clothes with Sonic on 'em

Here's some stuff I got a few months back that I took photos of but didn't get around to uploading here. Some bloke at a car boot sale had tons of Sonic promo gear, mainly t-shirts and hooded fleeces, but also caps, of which he only had one of left, and some Virtua Tennis...things. I bought up two of everything, but probably should have just made him an offer on the lot, as seconds after I walked away some obese woman did exactly that. I decided to keep one lot sealed up for the loft collection, and the other lot for wearing.More photos after the jump..

All the gear was based on Sonic games from the last couple years, such as Sonic and the Secret Rings, Sonic Rivals and Sonic Riders. The designs are actually quite nice because they're quite minimalist and subtle. The Secret Rings t-shirt and fleece, for example, has a flame on the front, as if to say your heart is ON FIRE like Sonic's was in the game (or something like that), and the logo is on the back.

The Sonic Riders T-shirt (like the cap he only had one of these left) has a silhouette of Sonic on his surfboard thing from that game in multiple colours, though it could also be Sonic with his thumb mutating into Knuckles fist. The back has a nice full colour logo from the game and a Sega logo.
The Rivals shirt is in a sort of greenish Grey and has Sonic's disembodied head floating over the PSP game's logo. There's nothing on the back of this one., but there's a little sega logo lurking where the size is written. A bit less abstract than the other two designs but still quite decent despite being based on a sub par at best game.
The cap is also promoting Rivals, with the same Sonic head floating on it and the logo in orange and white sitting on the bill. Can't say I would wear it myself, mind.
Finally here's the Virtua Tennis thingys. I presume they hook onto a mobile phone or something, and they are promoting the PSP game World Tour. So exciting! The bloke only wanted 10p each for these.
Despite car boot sales being filled with nothing but junk 90% of the time, I do occasionally stumble among unusual stuff like this, as the only way you'd get this stuff normally is if you worked in a game shop or if you worked for Sega, I guess. I also have a Sega Rally (the recent one) red shirt that I ought to get a photo of at some point.