Rhia's Sonic Collection is cuddly (and expensive)!
When Smindas posted his collection of Sonic bits and bobs a couple weeks back, the blog managed to catch the eye of Rhia, who has a rather large collection of her own to show off! 'Large' is probably a bit of an underestimate, 'colossal' would be a better term. She has a whole room dedicated to her collection, with shelves filled with Sonic toys, and walls covered with posters that range from original game promotion posters, to Sonic the Comic pull outs. It really is quite a sight to behold, with blue hedgehogs spilling from every corner.I don't think I've ever seen anything quite like it. She has been collecting seriously for roughly 2 and a half years. That's a lot of stuff to find in such a short period of time! get ready for a mass of photos of a mass of Sonic stuff after the jump!

Rhia favorite Sonic stuff is clearly the plush toys, which come from from just about everywhere and any time you can imagine. Scoring Ebay regularly, these in total have apparently cost around £1000 to collect alone! For example: that Super Sonic plush sitting in the middle of this row below?
"Yeah, he was £220. I've spent £300 on a Sonic Adventure Amy plush before! £200 on SA2 Rouge plush, £155 for SA2 Sonic plush, £180 for SA2 Hero Chao plush, £100 for Sonic the Fighters Amy plush, £100 for Sonic the Fighters Bean plush, etc. and that's just plushies! and not including shipping costs. I can't imagine how much I've spent on all my Sonic items."

Wow, I don't think I could personally ever spend that kind of money on Sonic merchandise, but each to their own! This is probably one of the most complete collections of Sonic cuddly toys anywhere, even featuring needle-in-a-haystack items such as the Australian Sega World toys of Sally Acorn and a Japanese albino Sonic (see below).

Action figures! A whole ton load. hey look, it's that 15th Anniversary statue I have in the post! Those little figures in the bottom left corner seem to be in slightly different poses to mine..
Pins, so many pins! I lost every pin I have ever owned, including all those Sonic ones I got while I was on holiday in Spain. I think they were fake anyway. Hang on, is that Sonic endorsing another Olympic event? (see bottom left).

So much stuff I once ago had, like that Mountain Quest thing and the skateboard, which I never used and ended up exchanging it in Argos for Sonic & Knuckles. There's that Coca Cola cap that goes with my jacket! I have no idea what has happened to my one, but it's up in the loft somewhere, I just know it.

If anyone else reading has a neat collection of Sega related stuff like this (In other words, anything outside of the usual games and consoles), E-mail me the photos and I'll showcase them here!