My Sonic collection is fairly moderate
Gaga's not the only one who can arrange a decade's worth of Sonic related stuff and take photos of it, clearly. Now, one thing that is obvious is Gaga has far more stuff than I ever will, partly because he's older and was around for slightly more of the stuff, partly because I have lost a handful of things on the way and partly because he has deep issues that have materialised in the form of blue hedgehog memorabilia. Of course, if that's what having issues entails, I'm all for it. Now, I was far less comprehensive about this than Gaga, so I know I've definitely omitted a few things and I've generally just been quite lazy about it. Also, I know there are few things I used to have that have gone walkies, but are ultimately around my house somewhere. I remember specifically having the Sonic pencil cases and two different Sonic rulers(!), the staples to any nerds stationary needs.
More after the jump..
So you know, you've got your expected things. Figures, plushes, lots of games, books, videos and then some random other crap. Displayed are only the Archie comics I have because I have far too many Sonic the Comics to display. As you can see, there are a handful of StC related free gifts in the photo, like stickers, rub on tattoos, some rubbish little space disk flicker thing etc. There's also a Sonic I made out of those... bead things... you arranged them and ironed them together? I've forgotten the name. And the SA style plush talks. It's magical.

I think I have most, if not all my Sonic games in the picture. I'm missing a few that I actually want and I decided not to include the games I only have the cartridges for. Really, most of the stuff in the pictures is fairly self explanatory, however there are a few materialistic red herrings.
Firstly are these guys. I got them off eBay for about a fiver, they came in a nice box (that can be seen in the above photos) which was in scruffy condition when I received it. I think they were a small promotional item for Sonic & Knuckles, although I'm not sure if that's the right game. A nice little promo item, regardless.
Now this, I've never seen anywhere else before. I have cousins who are half Japanese and as a result, live in Japan. Once when they came to visit, they gave me this neat little clock. I think they had it sitting around their house and as a result, weren't really sure where it came from. But no biggie, it's a great clock, although currently out of battery. As far as I'm aware, it's quite the unique thing to have.
Of course, no self-respecting* British Sonic fan doesn't have a disgustingly large collection of Sonic the Comics? Although, rather than take my issues out and spreading them out in a neat display like the Gaga, I've kept mine all neatly filed away in order like the anal bastard I am.
*the term is 'self-respecting' is used rather loosely here
Anyway, so that's the bulk of my Sonic related merchandise acquired over the last 11 years ish. Things have been lost and things have yet to be picked up, because I love to nurture the nostalgic inner child within me, who sits around playing Sonic 3 and eating ice cream. So there we go - an unhealthy obsession with blue hedgehogs leads to a rather big amount of capitalist consumerism. Take that, Communism!
Oh and almost forgot, happy new year you crazy kids.