That Sonic statue I briefly mentioned in the Sega History Collection post arrived in the mail the other day. Hooray! Here's the rather snazzy box it came with. This statue was made by Viz back in 2006 with a limited run of just 2500 of them made. There was a 10th anniversary one back in 2001 as well, but good luck finding that now.
Here's the statue itself, Sonic floating above a sliver stand somehow (Rocket boots? Very high heels?). It's a really nice build, especially when compared to most of the half-arsed Sonic toys they make now for Sonic X. Of course, this isn't really a toy but a proper statue that has quite a bit of weight to it, and wouldn't exactly appreciate being dropped..More photos after the jump!

The stand has a nice full colour 15th anniversary logo on it.
Seeing as they only made 2500 of these, they are numbered on the bottom. Looks like I got a pretty early one.
The box even contains this certificate with the number on as well. Lovely.
And for the fun of it here's some size comparisons to some other Sonic toys.
If you want one of these, you'll probably want to pick one up soon as they may might not be around much longer. All is not lost, however! The guy on Ebay I bought this from also had around 20 more of them on Buy it now, and there are plenty of others on there selling them for a reasonable price, none of them are any more than £30, after shipping to the UK, but if you live in America it'll obviously be quite a bit cheaper (about $20-25).