If you're British and grew up on Sonic, there's a good chance you remember Sonic the Comic. Published by Fleetway, the comic was running for 224 issues between 1993 and 2002 every fortnight. It eventually died out when the company publishing the comic decided to reprint old stories, believing that the audience it once had grew up and left. The comic had a big part in Sonic's popularity in the UK in the early 90's and featured many great stories based on the games, as well as stories based on other Sega games like Streets of rage, Decap Attack, Golden Axe, Wonder Boy, Ecco and more. The comic also doubled as a sort of Sega mini-magazine for kids, with news, reviews, cheats and the weekly sales charts for Sega's many consoles.
More after the jump..
I personally still have my collection sitting in the loft that is about 96% complete (just some reprint issues missing), and there used to be a huge website with downloads of every single issue, but it appears to have vanished, which has deeply saddened me. For now, the most I can find online about Sonic the Comic is at the website Sonic HQ, and some downloads of what could be considered the key stories at Knuckles Chaotix.info, which is something. I intend to write up some articles about this comic soon, as to be honest there isn't enough about it online, especially compared to how much there is about the American Sonic comics by Archie.