This past weekend my parents came to visit, and along with a fun-filled weekend came all of my Sega games, accessories and consoles that I had left at their house. After quietly sneaking six boxes past my girlfriend, I came to the last box. Inside was an odd assortment of items from my Sonic collection. My parents craftily snuck in a bit of things that I didn't ask to be brought. Rather than being a little brat, I thanked them for this random selection of Sonic items and now I'd like to share Sonic's mystery box with all of you!

The first item is this oversized Sonic Shuffle display box, for in-store use to advertise Sonic's so-so party game. The box even includes an over sized image of the back of the case (not pictured). I believe I saw this at a GameStop back in '01 and asked if I could have it, obviously I got it. Guess it wasn't doing it's job of pushing copies of the game.

Up next is one of my favorite items, the Sonic child's necktie. I've always been a fan of red ties, and Sonic with his line of rings only makes this BETTER than any other red necktie. The downside: it's too small for me to wear. Also in the box was a Game Gear bubble gum container with one Sonic Spinball trading card inside. I remember having many more of these, including pink Sonic & Knuckles branded containers. The Sonic 3 Tiger Pocket Arcade is mint in box and was sold for $4.79, if only I had the courage to open it and play it. Damn my collector sensibilities!

One of the coolest box items was my Sonic lunchbox! I wisely never used this, as evidenced by the cleaning instructions card found inside of the thermos. I always love American Sonic merch featuring the game design of Eggman, very uncommon to find the yellow collared version. Usually he was swapped out for the AoStH Robotnik. Speaking of AoStH Robotnik...

he appears inside the lunchbox on an unopened box of Sonic Valentines! Also inside are a mini Sonic plush and the McDonald's Billy Hatcher handheld. Isn't that head on view of Sonic winking wild?? Let's take a look at the back:

Sonic missed sawing through Robotnik by inches! I guess even Sonic and his nemesis feel love for eachother on Valentine's Day.

Here is an unopened Sonic Adventure bendy 4 PAK. I remember having another variation of this box, including Eggman I believe. Note the orange Dreamcast arrow to the left. Moving on to...

Denny's Sonic Underground plushies! One of the only positives to come out of that awful show was the Denny's Knuckles plush. Love the little rivets on the shoes. ^_^ Kawaii!

Strewn about the bottom of the box were my Sonic Adventure action figures. The stands and floating rings were nice touches, the Tails figure is an excellent sculpt! On top of the smaller figures was my giant Sonic figure, finally a match for 10 inch Metal.

The scraps on the bottom included McDonald's handheld baggies, instruction cards and instruction guides to my Sonic 2 and Sonic 3D Blast Tiger Games (the games themselves weren't in this box).
So there you have it! A random sampling of my Sonic collection, as selected by my mother (hence the randomness). This is only a fraction of my Sonic collection, a collection that I hope to show in full one day here at Sega Memories. As a parting gift, a shot of all the Sonic games I own: