No, this is not a review of the Little Golden Book
Sonic's Shoes Blues. Though as a kid I could relate with Sonic's predicament as I too wanted a pair of Sonic shoes.
Since first playing
Sonic the Hedgehog I've wanted a pair of bright red and white striped shoes. Of course, SEGA never made an official pair of Sonic shoes, so I'd have to settle for shoes like the ones seen below.

Over the years my interest in finding Sonic-like shoes waned and I passed up "close enough" opportunities like the SOAP Scorchers and red and white Adidas.
Sure, Sonic wore SOAP shoes, but they didn't look anything like these.
Then, today while shopping with my girlfriend I encountered some pretty cool Sonic-like shoes!
The Cole Haan Men's Air Granada II come in a nice reddish-brown and feature a beige stripe. While they aren't bright red and white, they have a muted color scheme that suits my age and they were half off. So I picked up a pair and took embarrassing photos of my feet! Enjoy.

Close enough. :)